Spa Massage Therapy in Your Home? Book a Party!

Hopefully, by the time this gets published, we’ll be on the other side of the coronavirus epidemic, and this may be more appealing to you all! If we’re not, then take this under consideration for when we are able to resume our lives! If you’re interested, do get in contact with me - I don’t have this as an option on my page currently.

Sometimes, all you want to do is book a spa day – but time is precious and you can’t always get away from work, the kids or the house. So why not let the spa come to you and book a spa massage service – bringing all the treats of a spa day straight to your home and inviting your friends around to enjoy a fun night in with you? The beauty of organizing a spa massage party at home is that you get your favorite people in your own home, and you don’t have to go out of the house to get properly pampered. You can lay on delicious treats and nibbles, get some healthy drinks on the go and relax into a deliciously indulgent evening – you’ll feel amazing afterwards and all your friends will love you for thinking of it and inviting them.

So, what can you expect with a pamper party? Well, rather than a beauty themed soiree, a massage party combines all your favourite touch-based therapies, maybe with a bit of Reiki thrown in too. You don’t have to worry about massage tables; not everyone has room for those anyway. A massage party will be mostly chair-based massage, relaxing foot and hand massage and maybe Indian Head Massage too? All of these treatments are easily accommodated in an average size home. Reflexology mini sessions are a great idea for a pamper party – a taste of what a full-length treatment would be like – encourage your friends to book treatments with the therapists if they enjoy them. Some therapists and party organisers might even put on a discount coupon for your guests so that if they enjoyed their session they can treat themselves to a longer one.

If you set the scene and create the right ambience you could have Reiki at your pamper party, although it’s a harder therapy to try in a room of lively people! It’s also not a great idea to have Reiki, massage or reflexology after alcohol so wait until after your chosen treatment before you indulge in bubbly or whatever your chosen drink is for the night. Add some scented aromatherapy candles and chilled out music and you can quite literally have a spa massage in your own home.