The Healing Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is an ancient alternative therapy with a Chinese origin, it is known to be a great chinese healing treatment. It is the process of putting special cups on the skin for about a few minutes to create suction. It is immensely popular as time passes and despite the massive medical changes in our lives, its ever healing benefits still stand and continue to give ease and aid to people giving them a try. 

Curious as to how cupping therapy works? and maybe wondering if all there is to preach about them is true? Let’s cut to the chase and learn more about this ancient alternative therapy, and discover its tremendous wonders. 

What exactly is Cupping, and how does it exactly work? 

Knowing that cupping is predominantly used and ever popular Chinese healing treatment, the Taoists of China affirms that cupping aids in balancing our body’s yin and yang, or the negative and positive extremes inside our body. As they become balanced, they are ought to give relief to various body pains, discomforts and struggles, as they are increasing the blood flow and resistance to pathogens. 

As it modernized, cupping went from doing it with horns to doing it within two categories. These two are dry cupping and wet cupping, using glass or plastic cups. Dry cupping is performed using a suction only method, while the latter is a combination of suction and controlled medicinal bleeding. 

As you do the cupping therapy, a cup is to be placed onto your skin and suctioned directly. The glass cups used are heated with a lot of either alcohol, herbs or paper that’s placed directly on it. Once the fire source is removed, the heated cup will be placed on your skin with its open side touching you directly. With plastic cups, the practitioner will just gently squeeze the cup on the skin to create the suction. (This is how I will be doing the cupping - no heat.)

Alongside the process, the once hot cups will cool down and will create a vacuum that will draw your skin and muscle upward to the cups. This happens with both glass and plastic. With that, your skin is expected to, and it's normal to turn red as it is your blood vessels responding to the shift in pressure. 

If your practitioner is using the glass cups: once the procedure is done, your skin will be aided by ointment and bandages. This is to help with not acquiring any infection and to ease the pain of mild bruises that typically occurs, but fades away within ten days. 

Does Cupping Therapy Actually Work and Promote Healing? 

With centuries it prevails, and with the variety of studies and explorations that has been done with regards to it, and with the thousands of years and years feedback and testimonials of both cupping practitioners, their clientele and regular patients, It is with no hesitation that it is legitimately working and healing. In fact, cupping has a wide variety of medical benefits that draws most people in since they all have advantages to be gained from trying cupping, and yes, they are not disappointed. 

Medicinal Healing Benefits of Cupping Therapy

1. It promotes fast healing and deep pain relief

It is known for its wonder to relieve muscle aches, injuries and overall body pain, depending on where the cup is placed. It relieves muscle tensions, and is overall great at making the patient at ease to the physical aches they are experiencing because it is fast acting, with only minutes to a few hours of interval til you experience immediate relief and comfort. 

2. It generates faster muscle recovery

Cupping works best with soreness too, as told by athletes who are into cupping. They ought to feel heightened circulation to their specific muscles, and it relieves the discomfort and soreness they are experiencing, which is extremely beneficial in their active lifestyle. 

3. It aids with various lung disorders

Traditionally, and still a prevailing claim is that cupping can promote healing to cough, bronchial congestion and asthma as it makes its way soothing the discomfort feelings and aches on our body. 

4. It aids in releasing toxins in our body tissues

As the cupping procedure is being done, it gives an immediate boost in releasing toxins in our body tissues as focused blood flow helps with our body flushing out built up toxins by the help of our lymphatic system. 

5. It aids in comforting and soothing stress and anxiety

As the cupping procedure takes place, the parasympathetic system in our body immerses, and as it happens it subsequently promotes deep relaxation all over our body, that in turn will relieve our stresses, worries, anxiousness and will help us be calmer, more present and at ease. 

6. It aids in reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scaring

Increased blood flow that is brought by cupping enables our body to get rid of toxins, restore lymphatic circulation and assist in removing edema, and these three will then promote reduced appearance of stretch marks and scars all over the place the cupping targeted. 

7. It aids in improving the condition of varicose veins and spider veins 

Varicose veins and spider veins appear to be the bulging, bluish veins that appear on our skin, typically onto our feet and legs. As it happens due to valves inside the veins that are not working properly, cupping will help by bringing the blood flow back and oxygen to the veins, thus, helping those varicose and spider veins to be lighter, and will eventually heal as cupping sessions increase. 

Alongside these seven benefits, there is a body of research that has been accumulating evidence and support for further validating the wonders of cupping therapy. Listed below are the comprehensive list of remaining benefits that are still in the process of further validation and research strengthening. 

  • Colon blockage and digestive problems i.e. heightened metabolism, constipation

  • Shingles

  • Facial paralysis

  • Acnes and eczema

  • Lumbar disc herniation

  • Cervical spondylosis

  • Headaches and migraines

  • High blood pressure

  • Irritable bowel disease

  • Depression

  • Rheumatic diseases, that is arthritis and fibromyalgia

  • Fertility and gynecological disorders 

The Bottomline

Cupping Therapy has a lot of medical wonders to offer, and despite the major medicinal changes our society has been experiencing, it is with my encouragement for you to try it. The major advantage you can get is that cupping is totally an all natural, non-invasive therapy that will do you no harm, whilst giving all the healing and relief you specifically need. With its growing body of research, you are assured with all honesty that it will benefit you, even in ways you will not see coming, after all, it's always for you to find out!